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Monday, August 31, 2009

Screw you, 1, 2 and 3.

So after having a mid-life, what not to wear, fitting-room melt-down in a few stores yesterday, I went to Old Navy today, and found salvation. I honestly should go there more often because every time I do I have a new lease on life in my closet. Why the hell aren't there more stores where the sizes are simply S, M, L, XL and thank you: XXL? I mean, the XL is just a little larger than the L. What if you're a little larger than the XL in spots? Okay, everywhere. Do I have to wear something that is sized 1, 2 or 3? It makes me feel like the sizes had to start all over again because I didn't fit into any of the REAL ones. It's like getting on a scale that only goes up to 200 and weighing 3 lbs on it. YAY! I weigh 3 pounds! Am I supposed to celebrate beign a size "1" when I know that "1" comes after all of the other sizes. Yeah, we just stopped counting and started over.

So back to OLD NAVY. Not only are their sizes normal and kind, but their prices are, too. I bought a gillion things today and got 20% off, plus, they don't get rid of things super fast in the season. Like, they had sweaters, but they also still had all the basics for summer out. I bought a coat AND flip flops today. Sweet. I dunno, maybe I just don't shop enough, but I was super happy I went in there. And I didn't see a skinny jean anywhere or a legging for a 6 foot tall drag queen, either. Dude, I am short and chunky. I am not subjecting people to a skinny jean and getting away with it. Give me my capris and a t-shirt and leave me alone. Thank you, OLD NAVY, for making girls my size feel like part of the world again. Screw you, 1, 2 and 3.

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