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Saturday, September 5, 2009

The honeymoon period

I originally titled this entry

"Back To School" because essentially that's what it's about. But, half way through the caffeine had kicked in, and I had to admit that the expression does churn my stomach. Like Pavlov's dogs, when I hear that expression- especially on a commercial that's WAY louder than the actual show- (don't you just HATE that????) I actually throw up in my mouth a little bit. It's a foul expression- especially when uttered around children.

Nevertheless, my school went back before Labor Day and I actually don't mind getting back into the swing. I love my new classroom and my kids seem really cute. I'm excited to start getting to know them and laughing with them as they get to know my quirks. Anyone who knows me wonders if I tame the inner weirdo in the classroom, and the answers is no I don't. I think laughter is such a great way to break the tension we all feel about school starting again. Although, I must say I think the first day jitters didn't happen to me this year. I don't think I was nervous at all- just excited. And yes, I am lying.

Getting to know their names is always a challenge for me. I might start taking a photo of the class and studying their faces at home or on prep periods. Maybe that would help. I definitely need their name plates out in front of them for at least two weeks! I started class with rules of course, but then I had them write a cinquain about either the beginning of school, the end of summer, their role models, thier interests, their favorite things to do, etc...I wanted them to fall in love with the topic of their poem so they would want to write it. For 9th graders, I think it's important to "hook" them early so they love your class and are proud of something they did right away. That way, even the most reluctant writer/reader can feel a boost in confidence about English class.

So the plan is to decorate the back bulletin board with their poems so it looks more inviting. (See pictures- I did it!) That will also make the room feel special to them because their work is up on the wall. Being an English teacher is such a delicious job. Before all the grading piles up, and the stress mounts, and the sleep suffers, and the work-load gets nuts, and the grading begins, it truly is enjoyable. I love the planning aspect of teaching and the time in the classroom. For this reason, I always enjoy September: I haven't collected anything to grade yet. For now the red pen stays capped. It's the honeymoon period: I haven't had to show my grade book and they haven't had to be evaluated yet. I dread the moment when the illusion ends, but part of growing as a student is being able to evaluate yourself honestly.

A "honeymoon" is about love. I want them to love coming to English class.