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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New routines...

It's incredible how human emotions are often such a mixed bag. I want to be happy and excited and joyful and jubilant and relaxed that school is over, but I'm not only those things. I'm also antsy, sad and nostalgic. I miss my kids! I miss teaching! I miss planning lessons and the excitement of a school day. Am I a maniac? This job has always felt like two extremes to me. While I'm glad my job is winding down and the summer is finally here, I somehow go from feeling extremely stressed and busy to just useless. I hate to say I'm bored- I'm not! It's not the right word. I'm used to all year NOT having any time for myself, so the new found unencumbered time is something I don't know how to use. I need direction. I'm almost finished with all my grading and then my days will be mine. I will be free to do whatever I want, but I am not sure what that is yet! Beach, tennis, walks, parties, BBQ's, pool, tanning, reading, writing, movies, shopping, home improvements, seeing friends, late nights, breakfast out, Montauk, flip flops, free time.

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