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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Things to do when it's literally a thousand degrees out

I literally cannot and will not leave the house today. It's one of the benefits of not working in the summer. I don't have to go anywhere if I don't want to! I'm stayin' indoors. However, even with a whole house to run it can get a little boring. So, what to do to escape the 98 degree heat? Here are some suggestions. I think you'll find that they range from the mildlly amusing to the extremely pathetic.

1. Eat something
2. Drink something
3. Read something
4. Watch something
5. Clean something
6. Call someone
7. Write someone
8. Fix something
9. Re-arrange something
10. Make something.

Since the list only took me two minutes to write, and it's still hot as hell, let me be more specific.

1. Do laundry and actually follow through by putting it away when it's done.
2. Put all the lids on the Tupperware and store it neatly so that in 2 days it's a mess again.
3. Make the bed. Actually, wash the sheets and re-make the bed.
4. Alphabetize the pantry. Beans, breadcrumbs, cookies, egg noodles, lentils, pasta, rice, soup, sugar ...
5. Reupholster a chair or two. Ha- did that one yesterday.
6. Sand and repaint a piece of furniture. This one can take several days. The first day, if I'm any example, is spent staring at the furniture wondering if you've gone crazy.
7. My favorite: pet the cats.
8. My least favorite: exercise.
9. Start (or continue) your own blog. This one's being suggested and practiced in real time!
10. Let's not forget the old standby: sleep.

Thank God for AC....

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